Apologies for the relatively long non-vacation related absence, but Friday and today were both completely packed days leaving little to no time to blog. And rather than blog today’s events this evening, I took the time to visit Joshua Schachter down at the del.icio.us offices (very interesting discussion) and then catch some dinner with an old colleague of mine, my brother and some other folks. Now I’m frantically packing to get up in about 5 hours for a flight back to Denver tomorrow morning.
The bad news – relatively speaking – is that I’ll be there for less than 24 hours, as I have confirmed a follow up visit to NYC on Wed/Thurs that I mentioned last weel. Looking forward to the sessions, but not looking forward to all the plane time. For those that argue that I should just stay out here, you’re right, and I don’t really have an excuse other than the fact that I want to sleep in my own bed for a night.
Anyway, hopefully will have something more substantial for you tomorrow afternoon when I get back to the home office. Quick word from the folks out here though is that the new Sun kit is pretty sweet. Take it for what it’s worth coming from a non-hardware guy, but the new Galaxy stuff has drawn compliments from pretty much everyone except the financial analyst bean counters, and I’m already scheming about how to get my hands on some 😉