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To answer a question I’ve gotten a few times in the past two weeks, I will not be attending LinuxWorld West in San Fran early next month. It’s not because I doubt the value of attending, but rather because I’ll be attending OSCON a few days before, plan on attending LinuxWorld East next April, and OSBC East in November. I would love to have attended PopTech! in my adopted home state of ME in October, but they just turned down my application for a press pass (the first conference I can remember doing so), which given our limited budget for travel and events is pretty much a prerequisite for attending. So apologies to those LWW attendees I’ll miss, but best of luck at the show and let’s catch up at a show soon.

Update: If you’re going to be attending OSCON, and haven’t booked your hotel yet, don’t bother with the Doubletree. Not only is the OSCON block sold out, the entire hotel is. Hit up the Red Lion as recommended here – that’s where I’ll be.