James Governor's Monkchips
An industry analyst blog looking at software ecosystems and convergence
Month: November 2006
Reserve a Sony PS3, purchase a 40″ Sony TV!
BEA: The Growing Stable/A Hard Act To Swallow (notes from BEA World 2006 in Prague)
AJAX 13’s Online Office Tools
Introducing The Cheap Technology Officer
Read David Berlind on Adobe Tamarin
An Open Letter to Tony Blair
Why Enterprises Can Ignore Data Protection Legislation in the UK
European analyst landscape: Quocirca momentum
Snapshots: BEA, IBM, SAP, Oracle, Adobe
And so to blog: Microsoft Novell Detente (until 2012)
Josh is hiring: Check your BS at the door
Blogger Relations at Adobe, Oracle and SAP (and a bit of IBM, Microsoft, Sun)
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