Working With RedMonk

Customers subscribe to one of three market subscriptions: Startup/Foundation, Enterprise, and Patron. Where you fit depends both on what your specific requirements are, as well as how complex and difficult you are to serve.

As some of our clients restrict the use of their logo, the following only represents a subset of our customer base. All research pieces include full client disclosure, however, regardless of whether their logo is displayed here or not.


Patrons are larger businesses that want to work with us organization wide, across different business units and in multiple capacities. Patrons get a lot of our time and attention, priority access to conference sponsorships, etc. Prices vary for Patron level subscriptions depending on the exact nature of the requirements, hours, and so on.
GitHubRed HatVMware


Work on a product team for a larger enterprise? Great! We have years of experience working with some of the largest businesses in the world. Enterprise agreements start at $20,000, and it’s easy to recharge the subscription as you work through your hours.

CirclCICloudflareCouchbaseDockerDynatraceGitLabHoneycombLacework  MongoDBPagerDutyPerconaRedis


Built for and limited to smaller companies (less than 100 employees) or open source foundations, our Simple Subscription Service is just that. A 12 month subscription is available via a generic contract – available for download here (PDF warning) – for $7,500. Everyone at this level is charged the same fee, so there are no tiresome negotiations.

Colvin RunControl PlaneDaytonaDecodabledeepsetDiffblueGadgetInfluxDataLaunchDarklyLiquibaseneo4jPayara RackNRenderReplicatedSADAShorelineSlim.AIStacklokTideliftTinyStacksvFunction


A Few Words of Appreciation

All of us at RedMonk are very grateful to all of our clients for their continuing contributions. Without their financial support, we would be unable to bring you the free-as-in-beer content that we do.

We also count ourselves as very lucky to have found a sizable and growing customer base that understands that research may occasionally reveal their weaknesses, that commissioned research that speaks of products in glowing terms is of limited value, that openness trumps select access. That understands RedMonk, in other words.

We would not be here without them. If you get the chance feel free to thank these fine folks for their patronage.