Eclipse Service Oriented Device Architecture (SODA), part 1 – Overview

In this two part screencast, I talk with Andy Smith about the Eclipse SODA project, part of the Eclipse OHF effort. In the first part, Andy gives us an overview of the device populated network with edge and centralized servers that SODA services. He then explains the Stepstone use-case for in-home medical monitoring devices that serves as an example use of SODA. In the second part, Andy demo's how the dynamic nature of SODA provided by Eclipse Equinox allows for the easy, dynamic deployment and use of remote devices. Also, be sure to check out the A Smarter World for Charley for the Charley scenario mentioned.

Use the full-screen button on the movie widget to see a larger version.

Eclipse Service Oriented Device Architecture (SODA), part 2 – Demo

In this two part screencast, I talk with Andy Smith about the Eclipse SODA project, part of the Eclipse OHF effort. In the first part, Andy gives us an overview of the device populated network with edge and centralized servers that SODA services. He then explains the Stepstone use-case for in-home medical monitoring devices that serves as an example use of SODA. In the second part, Andy demo's how the dynamic nature of SODA provided by Eclipse Equinox allows for the easy, dynamic deployment and use of remote devices. Also, be sure to check out the A Smarter World for Charley for the Charley scenario mentioned.

Use the full-screen button on the movie widget to see a larger version.

Eclipse Swordfish – An SOA Runtime Environment

In this screencast, Ricco Deutscher or the Eclipse Swordfish project walks us through the architecture, intentions, and road-map for the OSGi-tools SOA runtime, Swordfish. As Ricco outlines, the Swordfish came about from the desire to benefit from combining the use of JBI, SCA, and OSGi. JBI lends a good packing methodology, SCA helps with the execution of service components, and OSGi adds in the dynamic functionality needed and helps glue it all together.

Disclaimer: Eclipse is a client and sponsored this screencast.

Eclipse Rich Ajax Platform (RAP), part 2 – Demo

In this two part screencast, Jochen Krause and I talk about the Eclipse Rich Ajax Platform, or RAP for short. RAP is a front-end framework that uses the Eclipse RCP programming model to create Ajax front-ends in Java. In the first part, Jochen gives us an overview of RAP and how it fits into the overall Eclipse runtime and then shows a few demos of using RAP in the second part.

Eclipse Rich Ajax Platform (RAP), part 1 – Overview

In this two part screencast, Jochen Krause and I talk about the Eclipse Rich Ajax Platform, or RAP for short. RAP is a front-end framework that uses the Eclipse RCP programming model to create Ajax front-ends in Java. In the first part, Jochen gives us an overview of RAP and how it fits into the overall Eclipse runtime and then shows a few demos of using RAP in the second part.

The JIRA Connector for Mylyn, Demo

In this demo, I talk with Mik Kersten who demonstrates the JIRA connector for Mylyn. Mik shows us how the JIRA connector is used to provide a rich, desktop interface for the JIRA issue tracker and then shows how the "self micro-managing" features of Mylyn layer on-top of JIRA.

Also, be sure to check out the previous RedMonkTV episode that goes more in-depth on Mylyn.

Disclaimer: Atlassian is a client and sponsored this video.

Eclipse Equinox and Component Oriented Development, Part 2 – Demo

In this two part screencast, Jeff McAffer and I talk about component oriented design with Eclipse Equinox. In the first part, Jeff lays out a brief introduction to Equinox and we discuss, essentially, what it’s like to code with OSGi bundles and services. In the second part, Jeff uses a bundle distribution problem to illustrate factoring a code-base into bundles and demonstrate what OSGi coding feels like. For a higher resolution image, be sure to select the full screen mode. Also, there are many other formats and sized of the video available.

Eclipse Equinox and Component Oriented Development, Part 1 – Overview

In this two part screencast, Jeff McAffer and I talk about component oriented design with Eclipse Equinox. In the first part, Jeff lays out a brief introduction to Equinox and we discuss, essentially, what it's like to code with OSGi bundles and services. In the second part, Jeff uses a bundle distribution problem to illustrate factoring a code-base into bundles and demonstrate what OSGi coding feels like.

Disclaimer: Eclipse is a client and sponsored this video.

IBM Rational Now, part 1 – Recent Changes for Rational, and Agile Software Development

While at the IBM Software Group Connection Summit 2007, James Governor talks with Martin Nally, CTO of Rational, and Dave Tropeano, who works in the office of the CTO.

They discuss how Rational has changed, in James view, over recently and then get into a discusion of how the current Rational tool-chain is aimed at helping scale Agile software development up.

Disclaimer: IBM is a client.

IBM’s Anant Jhingran on Web 2.0 in the Enterprise

While at the IBM Software Group Connection Summit 2007, James talks IBM’s Anant Jhingran about IBM’s application of Web 2.0 ideas to information management in the enterprise. Of note, they spend some time talking about the navigating the cultural waters and changes in the IT department and balancing the need for IT control with the less control based elements of Web 2.0 think.