Martin Owen – IBM Telelogic Innovation 2008

In this video from the 2008 Telelogic user group meeting, I talk with IBM's Martin Owen. The broad-topic is a discuss using Enterprise Architecture and how it relates to "business/IT alignment." The nitty-gritty gets down to oing lots of reporting, metrics, and telling people what you're up to. Here, the important thing is tailoring your communication to your audience – tech-jargon or biz-speak, depending on which one you're addressing. And how to go in and apply this: baby steps, incremental ROI, and more.

If you like this topic, you'll probably also like my Recession-proof SOA Talk.

Disclosure: IBM is a client and sponsored this video.

IBM Industry Solution Frameworks with Karen Parrish

While at IBM Software Connect – IBM's annual analyst summit for the software group – James had the chance to talk with IBM's Karen Parrish.

The main focus of the event was IBM's Industry Solution Frameworks and how IBM uses them to with customers. Karen starts telling us about the frameworks and how IBM builds up the program. James then asks several "how's that work?" questions to drive into the details.

Disclosure: IBM is a client and sponsored this podcast.

Save Tom’s not tonnes!

The average European creates 10 tonnes of CO2 per annum. The average American, 20 tonnes. To avert the dangers of Climate Change, we need to drop our CO2 production to 1 tonne per person. Problem: What is 1 tonne of CO2? How do you visualise it? Answer: You don’t! You change the metric. 1 tonne = 1 person’s annual CO2 production. 1 average person. 1 Tom. Because it’s not about saving tonnes, it’s about saving everyone. For example, a 15 minute shower is 0.1% of a Tom, driving 100 miles in a standard car is 4% of a Tom and producing 1 laptop computer is 45% of a Tom. How many Toms have you consumed? Don’t waste your Toms. Save Toms, not tonnes!

GreenMonk talks Eco Labels with Fujitsu Siemens Dr Bernd Kosch

Fujitsu Siemens made an announcement last week about the new Eco Label they are launching for their goods. I was interested in learning more so I invited their head of Green IT, Dr. Bernd Kosch to come on the show to discuss.

GreenMonk interview with Vint Cerf

Vint Cerf was in the offices of today. is the non-profit arm of Google. We talked to him about’s interests in Energy, funding for SMEs in developing countries and disease incidence prediction. Watch out for the lights going out in the middle of the interview on Vint. In Google’s offices the lights are set to go off automatically if they don’t detect anyone in the room to save money. We got a real-life demo of this during the interview!

it@cork pre-conference podcast with Pierre Olivier Carles

Pierre Olivier Carles from French Co. Stonefield Inworld has come up with some innovative ways for companies to save money and reduce their carbon footprint. He will present 2 case studies in his talk: 1. How Credit Agricole (Europe’s largest bank) have reduced their travel spend using his solution (b2b) and 2. How e-commerce can be made more efficient using his solution (b2c).

it@cork pre-conference podcast with Gavin Starks of AMEE

it@cork are holding their annual conference this year on the theme “Green IT: Reduce CO2, Raise profitsGreenMonk are sponsoring the event and as part of the sponsorship we are interviewing the speakers in the run-up to the conference.

In this episode, we interview founder and CEO of AMEE, Gavin Starks – unfortunately Gavin was at the end of a poor Internet connection so the video quality is not the best.

Formats available:MPEG-4 Video (.m4v), MP3 Audio (.mp3), Flash Video (.flv)

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Smart Gird management software

One of the key challenges for any new technology, like Smart Grids, is finding intelligent ways to manage it. At the SAP for Utilities conference, I spoke to Krishna Kumar of Space-Time-Insight and he demonstrated their Smart Grid management software. I was impressed at the way the software reported at the city/block/individual residence level!

Formats available:MPEG-4 Video (.m4v), MP3 Audio (.mp3), MPEG-4 Video (.m4v), Flash Video (.flv)

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