Save Tom’s not tonnes!

The average European creates 10 tonnes of CO2 per annum. The average American, 20 tonnes. To avert the dangers of Climate Change, we need to drop our CO2 production to 1 tonne per person. Problem: What is 1 tonne of CO2? How do you visualise it? Answer: You don’t! You change the metric. 1 tonne = 1 person’s annual CO2 production. 1 average person. 1 Tom. Because it’s not about saving tonnes, it’s about saving everyone. For example, a 15 minute shower is 0.1% of a Tom, driving 100 miles in a standard car is 4% of a Tom and producing 1 laptop computer is 45% of a Tom. How many Toms have you consumed? Don’t waste your Toms. Save Toms, not tonnes!


  1. Fly Boy says

    Climate change? I thought we were all worried about global warming? Why the sudden change in emphasis to “climate change”? Humans aren’t causing “climate change”, the sun is. Do your research, and stop posting nonsense like this. The only scientists promoting this “climate change” bull are climate scientists, and guess what their research grants hinge on? Scientists from just about every other discipline, including solar scientists, are noting very odd changes in our sun that are contributing immensely to climate change. There have been a lack of sun spots for months now, and we’re seeing a horrible winter across the globe. Do you propose that we humans are causing this? Perhaps we haven’t pumped enough CO2 into the atmosphere lately, and that’s what causing this? Please! Again, do your research, don’t just accept what the academics in one particular discipline are spoon feeding you.

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