Tivoli’s David Bartlett & Ricoh’s Mark Minshull reducing printers energy footprint
Pulse 09 Day 01 – John Willis
Right after getting James' take on the first day of IBM Tivoli Pulse, I got John Willis'. While he touches on the broader vision plays, he talks mostly about his take on the cloud computing discussion of the day.
Disclosure: IBM is a client and paid T&E to Pulse 2009.
Pulse09 Day 01 – James Governor
Mid-day during the first day of IBM's Tivoli user conference, Pulse 2009, I talked with our very own James Governor about his quick impressions on the morning's keynote.
He starts out talking about Tivoli's Industry Frameworks, which, as he says, is about IBM Software Group selling applications but not calling them "applications." Indeed, as a Q&A session on that topic later in the day evoked, it's a sort of semantic issues best discussed "over drinks," as one exec put it.
We then get into a short discussion of Tivoli's Dynamic Infrastructure story which, according to James, is all about bringing SOA together with IT Service Management ("ITSM" as he says). I ask how he thinks this fits in with older IBM ideas like Autonomic computing.
Finally, we wrap-up discussing the Tivoli cloud computing story we've been seeing evolve here at Pulse. James is (still) not too happy with the IBM cloud story. That said, he suggests pulling in the OnDemand phrase and discussion from the past, the content of which he liked. I add in that the cloud computing discussion seems to be around what cloud means for operations people, not end-users, where you'd expect to hear more from the Lotus folks (as we did back at Lotusphere this year).
Disclosure: IBM is a client and paid T&E to Pulse 2009.
Danny Sabbah – IBM Telelogic Innovation 2008
While at the IBM Telelogic User Group in Austin, I talked with IBM's Danny Sabbah. I take the chance to ask Danny about the integration and intermingling road-map between the Telelogic portfolio and the existing Rational product lines. We discuss how Jazz is being used as a platform throughout the Rational portfolio and also get into a discussion about requirements management.
Disclosure: IBM is a client and sponsored this video.
Harry Koehnemann – IBM Telelogic Innovation 2008
While at the Telelogic User Group conference down here in Austin I had the chance to talk with RocketGang's Harry Koehnemann. We talk about the evolution, and complexification of the systems market and how the tools for that marketing are chasing after simplifying things. This conversation ranges from how tools can help you avoid bad parts of complexity to a discussion of how workflow processes can address, or make worse, the complexity in systems development.
Disclosure: IBM is a client and sponsored this video.
OpenESB Demo with Frank Kieviet
In this short demo, Sun's Frank Kieviet walks through two scenarios to demonstrate GlassFish ESB and OpenESB in action. First, he builds up a simple zipcode driven scenario to demonstrate using the NetBeans tools to compose a workflow. He then demonstrates integrating in a web-service. Finally, he finishes up by going over the OpenESB ESB community and how to get involved.
Disclosure: Sun is a client and sponsored this video.
GlassfishESB & OpenESB with Kevin Schmidt & Suresh Potiny
In this interview, I talks with Sun's Kevin Schmidt and Suresh Potiny about Sun's Enterprise Service Bus product lines, GlassFish ESB and OpenESB. We start talking about the ESB stack that Sun has built up a provides, including more than just the ESB itself, but the NetBeans based tooling as well. Next, we get into the road-map and plans that Sun has for its ESB stack. Then, we end up discussing the broad market and current context for ESBs, be that fitting into SOA environments, both in the "traditional" sense and then also in the emerging types of SOA architectures Kevin and Suresh are seeing. Finally, we up by discussing some of the additional projects around the ESB like Project Fuji.
Disclosure: Sun is a client and sponsored this video.