
Anybody Got a Rojo Invite?

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Was just reading yet another review of Rojo, and am perturbed that I still have not found my way to an invite. Sounds like a cool service, someone hook a brother up.


  1. Ah well, it would be coming if the damn thing worked.

    Honestly I think Rojo is way too much hyped. It's slooow, I frequently get error pages (like now: invite sending doesn't work) and most importantly it's closed: your network (wich should set Rojo apart from Bloglines) is made only of people you already know, there is noway of contacting someone if you don't know its email address of its Rojo ID.
    This is a major drawback IMHO, as the openness is the biggest force of del.icio.us and Flickr, for example.

  2. thx for trying Michele. if you can get it to work, great, but no biggie.

    i didn't know how closed Roko was – that does sound like a pretty significant drawback. i'll wait till i see it, but that doesn't bode well.

  3. cool – Michele managed to get it to work. will be giving Rojo a look. so far, it's not importing my OPML file so my enthusiasm is minimal.

  4. I'm a Bloglines user and have been looking at any and all competitors. Cnet just came out with their own called Newsburst, which you might want to check out. I haven't seen Rojo yet because I don't have an invite, so if anyone has a spare one they can give me, I'd be very appreciative. Thanks!

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