James Governor's Monkchips

Note To Intel and HP: Invest here

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Mono on  IA64 – yo Danese, check it out.

If i were Intel, and or HP, i would put some resources into this. Maybe just a little developer time and attention. Don’t know what Mono is? Here is a good pointer to what it is, and if you like hacking publications rather than code have at it, because we published under a derivative works allowed CreativeCommons license. Want to make an internal pitch to your managers? Go to it, make a RedMonk publication your own, a la EMC.

Intel and HP are both interested in bridges between Microsoft and Linux and Java environments, especially when they make sense in an Itanium context. Well, Mono is just such a bridge, as Mainsoft is proving with its architecture and approach. Visual Studio.NET on Linux. No problem (as long as MS doesn’t freak out…)

I have no idea who to ding at HP about this, frankly. If you have any ideas please let me know. I was thinking about Jeremy Allison, HP’s most effective open source evangelist of the last couple of years, but apparently he recently jumped over to Novell (via Mecworks)

And a friendly note to Archie Reed – if you’re asking for help don’t force a registration. If you’re still looking for feedback let me know though. But no, i don’t want a passport, and yes, i say the same thing about Blogger users with forced registrations. Note to IBM- you do the same annoying thing. Please take the registration requirement off your comments- you will get more comments if you do.

Its all about lowering the barriers to entry, folks, whether we’re talking about virtual machine technology and developer strategies, or blogs and user participation.

One comment

  1. Super-minor nit, James: it’s about the barriers to exit, too. Not just entry. Not so much when blog comments are concerned (though you could argue that throwaway or pseudonymous identities are somewhat barrier-to-exit-lowering in that they allow a person to disavow a set of remarks), but where application architectures are concerned, it certainly does.

    One of the things that’s always bothered me about Java is that there’s still a huge amount of ‘vendor lock-in’ involved; realistically, you’re stuck with Sun’s development kit and library set and execution environment. At least now, with C#, I have the choice of two runtimes….and that makes C# a more attractive implementation language than it was before Mono was Real Enough.

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